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Where Did the ALX Software Engineering Programme Go?

The field of software engineering is vast, diverse, and ever-evolving. To keep up with industry demands and cater to different learning preferences, ALX has revamped its 12-month Software Engineering programme into two specialised 6-month tracks: Front-End Web Development and Back-End Web Development.

This strategic split acknowledges the distinct skillsets required for front-end and back-end roles while offering students more focused and efficient training paths. By completing both courses, you'll emerge as a versatile full-stack developer, armed with a comprehensive understanding of end-to-end software development.

But why the change? And what exactly sets these two programmes apart?

Become a Specialist

While full-stack developers are highly valuable, many aspiring software engineers gravitate towards either the front-end (client-side) or back-end (server-side) aspects of software development. By offering dedicated courses, students can dive deeper into their area of interest and become true subject matter experts.

Have Greater Flexibility

The 12-month commitment may not be feasible for everyone, especially if you're eager to step into a new career. With the new structure, you can choose to start with either the front-end or back-end course based on your immediate goals or time constraints. Complete one track, enter the workforce, and later pursue the other programme to become a fully-fledged software engineer.

Learn More Efficiently

Front-end and back-end web development require distinct mindsets, tools, and workflows. Separating the courses allows for a more focused and immersive learning experience in each domain, optimising knowledge retention and skill development.

Unsure where to start? While both courses offer the in-demand skills required to enter the world of computer programming, let's delve into the key differences between these two exciting fields to help you get started on how to become a software engineer.

Woman sitting at a table using a macbook pro to do some web development work.

What is a Front-End Web Developer?

Front-end web developers are the architects behind the visuals and interactivity you experience on websites. Every time you click a button, scroll through a page or watch an animation, you're interacting with the work of a front-end developer. Their code transforms design concepts into living, breathing web pages.

A front-end developer's primary responsibilities lie in coding the client-side or front-end components of websites and web applications. This includes building user interfaces with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to determine how the website will look, function, and respond to user interactions. They work closely with designers to ensure pixel-perfect translation of mockups and prototypes into fully-realised web pages.

Tasks and responsibilities

Front-end developers are entrusted with crafting visually appealing, intuitive, and highly functional user experiences that align with a product's design vision. Their work encompasses a wide range of duties, including:

  • Coding with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build user interfaces

  • Developing and integrating reusable website components and libraries

  • Optimising website performance across different browsers and devices

  • Collaborating with designers to ensure pixel-perfect implementation

  • Testing websites for usability, accessibility, and cross-browser compatibility

  • Staying updated on emerging front-end web development technologies and best practices

Tools front-end developers use

To effectively carry out their responsibilities, front-end developers rely on a diverse set of tools and technologies. These tools aid in writing, testing, and deploying code, as well as streamlining workflows and collaboration. Common tools in a front-end developer's arsenal include:

  • Text editors (e.g., VS Code, Sublime Text)

  • Browser developer tools (Chrome DevTools, Firefox Developer Tools)

  • Version control systems (Git)

  • CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less)

  • Front-end frameworks/libraries (React, Angular, Vue.js)

  • Package managers (npm, Yarn)

  • Build tools (Webpack, Grunt, Gulp)

Front-end developer technical skills

Becoming a proficient front-end developer requires a strong command of various technical skills. These skills form the foundation upon which developers can create high-quality, scalable, and maintainable web applications. Essential technical skills for front-end developers include:

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • An understanding of responsive web design

  • Knowledge of front-end frameworks/libraries

  • Experience with front-end web development build tools and workflows

  • Familiarity with browser rendering behaviour and web performance optimisation

  • Grasp of accessibility and web standards (WCAG, WAI-ARIA)

iMac displaying collage of photos that a front-end developer might use to build a website.

Soft skills for the workplace

While technical prowess is crucial, successful front-end developers also possess a range of soft skills that enable them to collaborate effectively, problem-solve efficiently, and adapt to changing project requirements. Some key soft skills for front-end developers include:

  • Problem-solving and analytical thinking

  • Attention to detail

  • Ability to work in a team environment

  • Strong communication skills

  • Time management and task prioritisation

Front-end developer careers

Front-end web development offers a diverse range of career paths, each with its own set of responsibilities and skill requirements. Entry-level roles typically involve working under the guidance of more experienced developers, while senior positions often entail leadership, mentorship, and architectural decision-making. Common career paths in front-end web development include:

  • Front-End Developer

  • CSS/HTML Developer

  • Front-End Web Designer

  • Mobile/Tablet Front-End Developer

  • Front-End Architect

  • Front-End SEO Expert

  • Front-End Testing/QA

Learning front-end web development with ALX

ALX's Front-End Web Development programme equips students with the skills needed to build captivating and user-friendly web interfaces.

The programme starts with 8 weeks of Foundations, where you will learn essential career skills, like writing a CV and acing job interviews, and build your personal brand. You will then move on to front-end-specific topics, like the fundamental elements of the web, version control, and basic UI design. You'll also learn to code in HTML and CSS, before moving on to JavaScript and ReactJS to create complex, responsive websites.

The 6-month programme culminates in a capstone project where you will build your own fully-functional website showcasing your professional portfolio.

Software engineer looking at ipad.

What is a Back-End Web Developer?

While front-end developers craft the visuals, back-end developers are the masterminds behind web page functionality. They build the bones and brains that power web applications, from data storage to user authentication. Every time you log into a website or app, the behind-the-scenes work of a back-end developer makes that possible.

Back-end developers build and maintain the server-side logic and functionality that powers websites and web applications. They work with databases, APIs, and server-side frameworks to ensure smooth data flow and seamless integration between the front-end and back-end components. Their work lays the foundation for the user-facing features and functionality that front-end developers bring to life.

Tasks and responsibilities

The role of a back-end developer is multifaceted, involving a range of tasks that keep web applications running smoothly and securely. Some of the key responsibilities of a back-end developer include:

  • Designing and developing server-side architecture and infrastructure

  • Building and maintaining APIs for web and mobile applications

  • Implementing security measures to protect data and applications

  • Optimising application performance and scalability

  • Collaborating with front-end developers to integrate user-facing components

  • Managing and maintaining databases and servers

Tools back-end developers use

To accomplish their tasks effectively, back-end developers rely on a diverse toolkit of technologies and frameworks. These tools enable them to write code, manage data, and deploy applications securely and efficiently. Common tools in a back-end developer's arsenal include:

  • Programming languages (Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, Node.js)

  • Back-end frameworks (Django, Flask, Ruby on Rails, Express.js)

  • Databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis)

  • Servers (Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS)

  • Version control systems (Git)

  • Containerisation tools (Docker, Kubernetes)

Back-end developer technical skills

Becoming a proficient back-end developer requires mastering a range of technical skills, from programming languages to database management and security protocols. Essential technical skills for back-end developers include:

  • Proficiency in back-end programming languages

  • Knowledge of server-side frameworks and libraries

  • Understanding of database management and data modelling

  • Experience with APIs and web services

  • Familiarity with cloud computing and deployment

  • Grasp of security principles and best practices

Soft skills for the workplace

In addition to technical expertise, successful back-end developers possess a range of soft skills that enable them to navigate complex projects, collaborate effectively with teams, and adapt to changing requirements. Key soft skills for back-end developers include:

  • Problem-solving and analytical thinking

  • Attention to detail

  • Ability to work in a team environment

  • Strong communication skills

  • Time management and task prioritisation

Back-end developer careers

Back-end development offers a diverse range of career paths, each with its own set of responsibilities and skill requirements. Entry-level roles typically involve working under the guidance of more experienced developers, while senior positions often entail leadership, mentorship, and architectural decision-making. Common career paths in back-end development include:

  • Entry level software engineer

  • Senior Back-end Engineer

  • Lead Software Engineer

  • Lead Software Development Engineer

  • Senior Software Architect

  • IT Director

Learning back-end web development with ALX

ALX's Back-End Web Development programme prepares students to manage servers, security, and data storage functions that help websites run properly.

The programme starts with 8 weeks of Foundations, where you will learn essential career skills, like writing a CV and acing job interviews, and build your personal brand. You will then build a strong foundation in web fundamentals, while learning Python and command line basics. You'll then dive into back-end technologies like Python web frameworks and JavaScript, which will be essential throughout your career. Database management and RESTful APIs, critical for server-side development, are also covered in-depth.

The 6-month programme concludes with a comprehensive capstone project that tests students' ability to create robust back-end solutions, ensuring they are job-ready as a back-end or full-stack software developer.

Software engineer working on their phone and laptop.

How to Become a Software Engineer

Software engineers are the driving force behind the applications, programs, and systems that power our digital world. From mobile apps to enterprise software, their expertise is crucial in designing, developing, and maintaining the technology we rely on daily. Let's dive deeper into how to become a software engineer.

What is software engineering?

Software engineering is a systematic and disciplined approach to designing, developing, and maintaining software systems. To do this, a software developer should know how to write code and wrangle principles from computer science, engineering, and project management to create reliable, efficient, and scalable software solutions. Software engineers apply their knowledge of programming languages, algorithms, data structures, and software architecture to develop software that meets specific requirements and solves real-world problems.

The importance of software engineering in the tech industry

In today's technology-driven world, software engineering plays a pivotal role in virtually every industry. From e-commerce and finance to healthcare and entertainment, software systems are at the core of modern businesses and services. Software engineers are responsible for creating the digital products and platforms that enable seamless user experiences, streamlined operations, and data-driven decision-making.

Software engineering careers

Software engineering offers a diverse range of career paths, each with its own set of specialisations and responsibilities. Some common roles include:

  • Front-end developer

  • Back-end developer

  • Full-stack engineer

  • Cloud architect

  • Software engineer in test (QA engineer)

  • Software development engineer in test (SDET)

  • DevOps (development and operations) engineer

  • Data engineer

  • Security engineer

  • Android or iOS mobile developer

  • Game developer

How to become a software engineer with ALX

By combining the Front-End Development (FED) and Back-End Development (BED) programs, you can gain a well-rounded understanding of the entire software development lifecycle, from user interface design to server-side functionality.

Front-End Development (FED) Program The FED program focuses on building captivating and user-friendly web interfaces. You will learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and front-end frameworks like React to create visually appealing and responsive websites and applications.

Back-End Development (BED) Program The BED program covers server-side technologies, including Python programming, database management (SQL and NoSQL), and RESTful APIs. You will learn to build robust back-end solutions, manage servers, and ensure data security and integrity.

When combined, the FED and BED programs provide you with a comprehensive skill set equivalent to the former Software Engineering program.

By offering focused tracks in front-end and back-end development, ALX empowers learners to specialise in their areas of interest while still gaining a holistic understanding of software engineering principles and practices. This approach not only enhances learning efficiency but also provides flexibility, allowing students to complete one track, gain practical experience, and then pursue the complementary track to become a well-rounded software engineer.


The ALX Software Engineering Programme has evolved to better meet the needs of the industry and aspiring developers alike. By splitting the comprehensive 12-month course into two specialised 6-month programmes in Front-End Web Development and Back-End Web Development, ALX offers a more focused, flexible, and efficient path to becoming a software engineer. Whether you're drawn to the creativity and visual aspects of front-end development or the logical, data-driven world of back-end development, ALX provides the expert guidance and technical skills you need to succeed.

Don't miss your chance! Applications close May 21st for the June 3rd cohort. Become part of the next generation of software engineers shaping the future of technology. Visit our website to learn more and apply to the ALX Front-End Development or ALX Back-End Development programme today!


1. What is required to become a software engineer?

To embark on a career as a software engineer, you'll need a blend of formal education, practical coding experience, and soft skills. Start with a solid foundation in programming languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript, and understand key computer science principles. Hands-on experience through projects, internships, or contributions to open-source can significantly bolster your skills. Additionally, problem-solving abilities, continuous learning, and effective communication are crucial to navigating the challenges and collaborations inherent in software development.

2. What is a front-end web developer?

A front-end web developer specialises in creating the visual and interactive elements of websites and web applications. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to turn design concepts into functional, responsive user interfaces. This role requires a keen eye for design, proficiency in front-end technologies, and an understanding of user experience principles to ensure websites are accessible and enjoyable for users.

3. What is a back-end web developer?

Back-end web developers focus on the server side of web applications, handling the database interactions, server logic, and application integration that power the front-end. Using languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP, along with frameworks and databases, they ensure that data flows seamlessly and securely between the server and users. Skills in problem-solving, database management, and an understanding of algorithms and data structures are vital for this role.

Ready to get started?

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