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The Future is Written in Code: Everyone Should Learn Coding

An image of what one would imagine happens inside of a computer.

Coding is the language of the digital world. In the last few decades, code has been fundamental in revolutionising tech. We use code to write programs that power the software that enables devices, apps, and websites to run properly – things we interact with at every moment of every day.

In what’s been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, every industry is becoming a tech industry. The foundation of the new digital world is built on the shoulders of code, software, and programs that help industries from healthcare to agriculture operate. 

In short, businesses increasingly rely on tech that is built by code to function properly. As technology continues to evolve, the demand for skilled coders and software engineers will only grow. This article is a deep-dive into the importance of code in the Digital Age, making the prevailing argument that everyone should learn to code.

What is Coding?

In the simplest terms, coding is the language that we use to speak to computers. You can think of code as operating instructions that devices follow in order to do their jobs.

From AI and VR straight through to software and web applications, coding offers countless opportunities to create in the digital age. Web developers use code to develop and implement websites. Data scientists use code to write algorithms that analyse data. Software engineers use code to build algorithms that teach AI how to learn, or to write software that helps computers run. 

Code is truly all around us. It helps society function.

Importantly, coding isn’t just about memorisation; it is a creative process that involves high levels of advanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills to get just right.

Coding vs. Programming

As you dive into the world of code, you might hear the terms ‘coding’ and ‘programming’ used interchangeably. While they are largely similar from a zoomed out perspective, there are subtle key differences between the two terms.

Coding is the act of writing code, or the set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. When you’re writing lines of code and building the structure of your project, you are coding.

Programming is the overall process of creating a software program. It is the process of designing, writing, and testing code to create a specific program for a specific purpose. Programming often involves the following steps:

  • 1. Designing the program: First, you define the purpose of the program, choose what features it will have, and think about designing the user interface.
  • 2. Writing the code: This is the coding process, where you write the actual code that will implement the program’s design from step 1.
  • 3. Testing the code: Then, you check for errors. You’ll run the program and, if you notice any bugs (errors), you fix them.
  • 4. Deploying the program: Finally, once the program is designed, written, and tested, you then make it available to users.

In summary, coding is part of programming, while programming is a more comprehensive process that includes designing, coding, testing, and deploying software.

Coding Languages

As you may know, computers use a binary system of long chains of 1’s and 0’s to “think.” Programming languages were developed to help translate those chains of 0’s and 1’s in a way that is easily understood by people.

A coding or programming language is an organised, universally accepted way that programmers can give a set of instructions to a computer or system to execute. It’s a way of translating thoughts into action, from human to computer.

There are many different coding languages in use today, each with its own unique applications and functions. As with most things, as code gets more complex, the functions it will be able to perform will also become more complex. Some of these coding languages include:

  • Python: This is a general-purpose language that is pretty easy to learn and use. You’ll find Python in data science, machine learning, and web development most often.
  • Java: The key factor that makes Java stick out is its stability and security. People often use it for enterprise applications and mobile development.
  • C / C++: Both of these languages are very powerful and are typically used for low-level programming. They are often used for operating systems, embedded systems, and game development.
  • JavaScript: This scripting language is used to add interactivity to web pages. It is also used in game and mobile development, too.
  • Swift: A newer language, Swift is designed to be user-friendly. It is easy to learn and use, and is most often used in either iOS or macOS development.

There’s also an honourable mention to HTML and CSS. While these are not technically programming languages, they are a means for web developers to help structure the page and add style information. Before moving on to more complex programming languages, HTML and CSS is where your knowledge begins.

The best coding language for you will depend on your needs. If you’re new to coding, you might start first with HTML and CSS, and then move on to Python or JavaScript. Once you’ve gotten a grasp for how coding works, you can then explore other languages that are more specific to your needs.

Careers in Code

The last few decades have seen coding explode as a desired and necessary skill across industries. Learning to code opens the door for many lucrative, creative, and in-demand careers, and demand is only projected to grow in future.

Front-end developer

A front-end developer writes code for webpages. They typically are the ones who configure the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a website or app. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build visual and interactive elements that users see on webpages.

Back-end developer

Back-end developers build and maintain the servers that power a website or app. Using Java, Python, or Ruby, they build the logic that translates to functionality on the front-end of a website or app.

DevOps engineer

They manage the infrastructure and deployment of a website or app. Their job is to automate the development, testing, and deployment of processes to ensure that software is build quickly and precisely.

Full-stack developer

When you’re “full-stack," that means that you can work on both the front-end and back-end of software development. They are the all-rounders, working on anything from UI to server logic in a website or application.

Quality assurance engineer

As the job title suggests, they ensure the quality of the code of a website or application. They work to identify and fix bugs and to make sure that the software is working properly according to the goals of the project.

Woman sitting at her laptop and desktop, appearing to write code. She is wearing bright yellow headpones.

The Importance of Learning Code Today

Understanding code can help you comprehend the underlying mechanics of new technologies, which helps you embrace advancements in the industry and integrate them into your work and personal projects.

AI, for instance, has quickly integrated itself into many industries. Revolutionising healthcare, finance, and transportation. By knowing how to code, you can speak the programming languages developers use to write algorithms for AI products. With tech like VR, knowing how to program can help you build immersive gaming experiences all the way through to virtual education and learning environments.

Man in yellow jacket wearing a VR headset and gloves, appearing to play a video game.

These cutting edge technologies have revolutionised education, entertainment, and healthcare already, and those innovations will not slow down anytime soon.

Coding teaches you to not only innovate with these new technologies, but also teaches you how to problem-solve, think logically, and fosters continuous learning. These transferable skills equip you with tools that can take your career to new and exciting heights.

With coding proficiency, doors can be opened for you because of the skills you learn. Some of these include:

  • Problem-Solving and Efficiency
  • Innovation and Creativity
  • Understanding technology
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Adaptability and Continuous Learning
  • Critical Thinking and Analysis

Code Isn’t Just for Tech

Coding skills do not limit you to just working in tech. Proficiency in coding can open the doors to a diverse array of job opportunities across industries and help you find a career you’re passionate about. Here are some examples:

  • Data Analysis: With code, you can manipulate and analyse large data sets to help make data-driven decisions in finance, marketing, and healthcare.
  • Finance & Accounting: Coding can automate financial processes, build data models, and streamline data management for calculations and analysis.
  • Science & Research: In biology, physics, chemistry, and astronomy, scientists use code for data analysis, simulations, and project automation.
  • Design & Multimedia: Web and UI design can help designers make interactive and visually appealing creations.
  • Engineering & Architecture: They use code to automate design, simulations, and do structural analysis in projects.
  • Healthcare: Coding helps doctors diagnose disease and do research in bioinformatics and genomics by analysing patient data.
  • Environmental Sciences: With code, they can model ecosystems and make predictions about climate patterns for conservation efforts.
  • Project Management: Managers leverage code to streamline workflows, automate tasks, and analyse project data.

Coding and Software Engineering

Software engineers create computer software to solve problems. With the rise of cloud computing and Software as a Service (Saas) in recent years, software engineers have become indispensable. Their coding knowledge allows them to develop and maintain software and web applications we use everyday.

Coding is the foundation of software engineering. They are able to transform ideas into functional, reliable, and scalable systems using programming languages, frameworks, and development tools.

A software engineer will use code to test and debug their programs, ensuring the software functions reliably. Collaboration and version control are also facilitated through code, enabling seamless teamwork and code management.

By being proficient in coding, software engineers can optimise the performance of their software, integrate systems through APIs, and maintain and upgrade software. It also serves as a living document for understanding and share information about the system they built.

Where Can You Learn to Code?

Learning to code has never been easier and more accessible. Codecademy is an example of a free online resource offering a wide range of coding courses and hands-on projects. You can choose which language to learn and focus on topics that suit your interests.

Specialised courses like those offered on Coursera or Udacity offer comprehensive programs on things like web development, data science, and machine learning. They combine video lectures, quizzes, and individual assignments for a well-rounded coding education.

ALX Africa offers an immersive tech training experience in its Intro to Software Engineering course. This course equips learners with the essential foundations of software engineering, covering topics such as programming concepts, data structures, algorithms, and web development.

The Intro to SE course combines self-paced online learning with a collaborative project-based environment. Learners not only gain theoretical knowledge but also apply it in real-world scenarios by working on team projects that simulate industry challenges.
ALX Africa’s emphasis on collaboration, practical learning, and mentorship creates an environment where learners can not only acquire technical skills but also develop the problem-solving, teamwork, and communication abilities necessary for success in the field of software engineering.

Woman and man sitting at a computer  and appearing to work together on some task.


As technology continues to evolve, coding and software engineering remain essential in shaping the digital world. Advancements in AI, VR, and other emerging technologies are transforming industries, creating exciting opportunities for those who know how to code.

Learning to code is not just about specific technologies; it is about developing problem-solving skills and thinking logically about problems. These transferable skills can empower individuals to understand how to best use new technologies and stay ahead of the curve.

Learning how to code can transform your career. It opens doors to diverse job opportunities, enhances your problem-solving abilities, and gives you the tools to thrive in a tech-driven world. ALX Africa offers a comprehensive Intro to Software Engineering programme, which combines self-paced online learning with collaborative, project-based environments. Learn to code with ALX Africa and start your career transformation today.


1. Is software engineering a lot of coding?

Yes, software engineering involves a significant amount of coding. Software engineers use coding to design, develop, test, and maintain software applications and systems. Coding is a fundamental skill that allows software engineers to write the instructions and algorithms necessary for the functioning of the software.

While software engineering encompasses various other activities such as requirements analysis, design, and project management, coding remains a central part of the software engineering process.

2. What is coding?

Coding is the process of creating instructions for computers to follow. It involves writing lines of code using specific programming languages to tell computers how to perform tasks and solve problems. 

Code is a set of logical instructions that define the behaviour and functionality of software applications, websites, and other digital systems. Through coding, programmers can create, modify, and optimise software by translating ideas and requirements into a language that computers can understand and execute.

3. What are popular coding languages?

There are several popular coding languages used for various purposes. Python is widely adopted for its simplicity and versatility, commonly used in web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence.

JavaScript is essential for web development, enabling interactive and dynamic web pages. Java is popular for building enterprise-level applications, while C++ is used for system-level programming and game development.

Additionally, languages like Ruby, Swift, and Go are gaining popularity in their respective domains, offering unique features and capabilities.

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