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The ALX community stands out as one of the most remarkable aspects of my journey. I’ve had the chance to meet some amazing people that I’m glad to call friends today.

Ghita Boumahdi

Data Analyst

Ghita Boumahdi

At ALX, I didn’t just learn data science, but I gained a supportive community and I enhanced my soft skills. This unique combination positions ALX as the go-to choice for anyone looking to lead in tech.

Aboubaker Drai

Data Scientist

Aboubaker Drai

The curriculum sharpened my skills, the network fueled my growth, and the teamwork spirit shaped my resilience.  Ready to tackle any challenge. It wasn’t just my skills that grew, but my character too.

Hajar Sabkari

Data Analyst

Hajar Sabkari

What our learners are saying


Learner Reviews

“I joined ALX because it’s a fantastic opportunity for people like me who would like to venture out into different domains. It just asked me to come, to learn and to be present.”

Hanae Aghoutane
Software Engineer , Morocco

“At ALX, I not only expanded my technical prowess but also forged lasting connections in an environment that blended learning and enjoyable experiences.”

Bilal Eneouisser
Software Engineer , Morocco

“The reason i applied was because i was curious about what the tech is all about, and also to learn new skills that will add value to my career

Software Engineer, Morocco

“I come all the way from Ouarzazat to Casablanca which is around 8 hours and 420 kilometers on the road. As the ALX team says ‘Do hard things’ and frankly it’s worth the effort ”

Software Engineer, Morocco

“Enrolling in the program was a pivotal life experience. A lot of things could be life-changing , matter of a fact everything is, but it’s rare to find things that are life-shaping, and ALX is one of them.”

Ibtihal El Haidaoui
Data Analyst, Morocco

“Due to learning by doing methodology, I am now comfortable with working on real life projects as a Software Engineer.

Chaimaa El Farji
Software Engineer, Morocco

“Despite having no background in Software Engineering, I successfully completed one of ALX’s most challenging programs, thanks to its comprehensive structure and user-friendly approach.

Imane Wakrim
Software Engineer, Morocco

“You don’t need to be super organized, there’s a clear system everyone follows from the start. It makes studying, understanding, and applying everything so easy!

Inssaf Begdouri
AICE Fellow, Morocco

“After 14 months I’m now a Data Analyst, and the things I learned in the program helped me a lot with my daily tasks in machine optimization.”

Badr Bensassi
Data Scientist, Morocco

Thousands of Learners have started rewarding careers with top tech companies. You can too.

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